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Top Seo Tips To Get Ahed

6 SEO Tips to Help You Get Ahead of Your Competition Image Source: FreeImages ‍
Search engine optimization is a constant game of cat and mouse. Content, links, keywords and other signals are always changing as search engines adapt to the way people search online. Keeping up with these shifts can be challenging for businesses that rely on organic search traffic. After all, unless you’re Google or another similar company, your business probably doesn’t have an army of developers working on new ways to optimize your website. As a small business owner, you don’t have the luxury of hiring consultants to help you stay ahead of the curve. Instead, you need to understand what makes a page rank high and what causes it to plummet in search rankings so that you can apply this knowledge to every new piece of content you create about your brand or services. Build Backlinks With Quality Content It may seem counter-intuitive, but you can actually build backlinks by writing great content. One overlooked way to do this is by using a nofollow link. You may have heard that you should never use links that don’t pass along some sort of ranking boost, but this isn’t always the case. If you want to use a nofollow link, you need to make sure you are linking to something that truly adds value to your readers. A blog post about your business or industry can be a great way to add value to your website and link to your own site in the process. You can also use a nofollow link when linking to an external resource such as a piece of content that’s hosted on another site. If you’re linking to a piece of content on another site, don’t cut yourself off from any potential boost that link might provide. Instead, use a nofollow link to avoid any complications with your search engine rankings. Use Keyword Research to Find The Right Words to Use Keyword research is the first step in any content creation strategy. You need to know what words people are using to search for the kinds of products or services you offer. Once you know this, you can build content that targets these keywords and ranks high in search engines. Without this crucial first step, you’ll never know what to write and your content won’t be as effective. You want to focus on long-tail keywords. These are terms that are typically two or three words long that people often use to find products or services like yours. These are easier to rank for because there is less competition for these terms. Long-tail keywords are usually more specific and therefore easier for you to target because you can use more specific language within your content. Develop a Content Marketing Strategy Depending on your industry, it may make sense to publish new content every day or once a week. Whatever your publishing schedule, it’s important to have a strategy for what you publish. Focus on publishing content that links back to your website and includes relevant keywords. For example, if you sell products for small businesses, you may want to create a series of blog posts about how to hire the best employees for your company. Each post could include a link to your website and the phrase “hire the best employees.” This content will rank high in search engines and drive targeted traffic right to your site. Be Careful With Your Choices of Words It’s a common misconception that you need to stuff your content with a certain number of keywords in order to rank high in search. In fact, many new businesses make the mistake of doing the exact opposite and eliminating keywords from their content entirely. This can make problem. Instead of targeting a specific keyword, you’re targeting a general topic. This isn’t helpful for your potential customers and it won’t get you any closer to ranking for these terms. Instead, the best way to make sure your content ranks high is to create an in-depth piece of content that answers your customers’ most pressing questions. Don’t Forget About Video Marketing The rise of social media has led many people to believe that video content is a thing of the past. In reality, video is as relevant as ever. YouTube is one of the most visited websites online and it’s a great place to host your videos. You can also host your videos on your own website if you prefer. If you want to rank high in search, make sure your videos are long enough to provide value. Most people don’t want to sit through a two-minute clip. Instead, aim for videos that are 10 minutes or longer. If you want your videos to rank high in search, you’ll also need to include relevant keywords in your video’s title and description. Make Sure Your Site Is Mobile-Friendly More than half of all internet traffic now comes from mobile devices. If your site is not mobile-friendly, you are likely costing yourself a lot of potential traffic. There are a few ways to ensure that your site is ready for mobile visitors. First, make sure your content is easy to read on a smaller screen. Second, make sure your site loads quickly. People are less likely to visit your site if it takes five seconds or more to load. You may also want to consider using a content delivery network or CDN to make your site load faster. Finally, add a mobile-friendly option to your contact page. This way, even if your site isn’t mobile-friendly, your contact information is still easy for people to find and use. Conclusion SEO can be tricky, but it’s also very important if you want your business to get noticed online. Keep these tips in mind as you create new content and make sure that you’re always up-to-date with the latest SEO trends so you can get the most out of your hard work.